Breaking news!
Hold the front page!
Stop what you’re doing!
I am beyond ecstatic to announce that I am now officially the Lifestyle Editor for Vintage Life Magazine. As you may know, I have been writing for the magazine for a few months now, which came about after I started running some live chat sessions from their facebook page – with over a million followers! It seemed that the viewers really enjoyed my little nuggets of vintage advice, inspiration and general chit chat and so I was invited to submit some features to appear in the actual magazine. This was super exciting because I have lots to say (!) and a back catalogue of awesome photos from photographer collaborations and was able to use these to run alongside my features. Receiving a message from Editor-in-Chief Rachel Evans to ask if I wanted to be adorned with an official title left me in shock initially and then after an hour long facetime chat with the lady herself, I completely understood the terms in which this was offered. It seems that being passionate about vintage, having been a writer for many years and being a fan of Vintage Life magazine since 2010, qualified me to be offered such a title. I do need to point out that my business Dawn‘s Vintage Do, is very much my focus – did I mention the Weekender in October? - And this role with the magazine is a compliment to this as opposed to a replacement. I am looking forward to seeing more of my articles in print and am also looking forward to meeting, interviewing and featuring fellow vintage fans as the Lifestyle Editor for this gorgeous publication!
